Please note that our products are currently not available for sale or distribution. Please contact us with any questions or interest in acquiring our technology. Thank you

At Lucero Medical, we move with a sense of urgency to deliver innovations that improve the quality of life for patients with spinal disorders. We are inspired by the needs of these patients and also the needs of the surgeons and health care providers who treat them. This passion combined with Lucero Medical's world class engineering transforms clinical insights into tangible spine care solutions. We are driven to provide the highest quality products to improve the techniques and outcomes of spine surgery so patients can resume their lives as quickly as possible. We extend our reach beyond our world class implants, instrumentation, and service by partnering with researchers and educators to advance the science and knowledge of spine care. The energy and enthusiasm each of us bring everyday to Lucero Medical is palpable. We are constantly in the pursuit of better patient care and understand that speed is critical because life cannot wait.

Surgical Technique

The procedure to insert the Lucero Cervical Spacers begins by identifying the proper intervertebral level to fuse using the proper diagnostic techniques. For your refence and more information, read the surgical technique.